week 14

Can you believe it has been 3 months already? This week Madison started to grip her rattle and her “Easy Grip” ball.  She will only hold the rattle for a few seconds but it is pretty cool to see her do this.  Madison spent time with Grandma Peggy and Cousin Nora this week.  Cousin Nora is such a great helper and is very excited to spend time with her cousin and let Grandma know “Grandma she’s talking”.  Dad was able to spend his first day of leave with Madison.  During his first day of leave Madison ran several errands with Dad.  She did a great job even when the errands ran a bit longer than anticipated.


2016-3-5 - Milwaukee - 3
2016-3-11 - Milwaukee - 4
2016-3-7 - Milwaukee - 2
2016-3-11 - Milwaukee - 6