What an exciting week. We started it with our first overnight trip to Merrill. We saw so many friends and family during our trip. On Saturday we had dinner at Los Mezcales in Merrill with Grandma Chris and Grandpa Dick. If you are in Merrill you should give it a try. On Sunday we spent the day with Cousin Drew at his 3rd Birthday. Madison enjoyed seeing everyone. Also on Sunday Madison meet Scott’s Godmother Mary Jo. The trip was a success and we had our first glimpse into how we will now travel long distances. While Scott was on leave Madison wen’t to visit Dad’s school this week for the spring party and helped put out colored eggs and prepare for the party at school. Madison did a great job outside of her routine and was not very fussy at school. The kids, parents and teachers enjoyed meeting Madison. Madison can roll over to her stomach but is uncertain what to do next and is a bit started when she does it. She only can last about a minute before she needs help rolling back over.