Week 13

Suzy went back to work this week so Madison had to adjust to some new surroundings.  On Monday Madison spent her first day with Grandma Peggy and Cousin Nora.  Let’s just say she noticed something was different.  Grandma Peggy and Cousin Nora did a great job with Madison, but Madison was very excited to see her Mom when she picked her up.  On Tuesday Madison had another new experience, daycare.  Madison was very uncertain about daycare, but she did make a new friend.  On Wednesday and Thursday Grandma Peggy stayed with us and watched Madison during the day.  Madison again was very excited to see Mom and Dad when we would come home.  A big thank you to Grandma Peggy for all her help this week.  On Friday Dad had the day off and spent the day with Madison, she enjoyed her “normal” routine.

Madison has decided she does not like the crib, she hasn’t been sleeping in the crib like she had been in addition Madison has been having some recent difficulty drinking from the bottle.  It must be all the changes this week that are causing some of these difficulties.

2016-2-27 - Milwaukee - 2
2016-2-29 - Milwaukee - 2
2016-3-4 - Milwaukee - 1