Well Madison enjoyed her first Christmas. Madison has been a blessing and the greatest gift this holiday season. We enjoyed Christmas Eve with Madison’s cousin Nora, Uncle Brad, Aunt Cindy and Grandma Peggy. Suzy and Madison stayed home from church. After church Nora was very excited, in the car Nora said “Now we get to see Suzy and Madison”. Nora is very excited about her cousin and wants to help and hold her (she gets to hold her by holding her leg or arm while Mom or Grandma hold Madison).
We had our traditional Christmas Eve with a light dinner and watched a Christmas movie, this year we watched A Christmas Story and shared some presents. Nora was very excited this year because she picked out a gift for everyone. She gave Madison a toy Smart Phone and showed us how the buttons made noise and light up. Nora also had a very important job this year and that was to hand out the presents, she did a great job.
On Christmas morning, we enjoyed it with Madison, Mom, Dad and Grandma Peggy. We enjoyed opening presents for her. Mom and Dad gave Madison a personalized Christmas ornament with her Name, Date, Size and Weight. We enjoyed the rest of the day watching TV and just enjoying our day with Madison.