Week 26

This week we had fun with our neighbors and friends Tom, Teresa and Gina.  It was nice to be outside and enjoy weather.  While Suzy was enjoying some much needed time with her friends Madison and Scott were able to get a couple of walks in.  As a family we spent sometime walking around the Third Ward in Milwaukee.  We ended the week with a campfire with our friends Brandon and Kim.  It is going to be a fun summer with walks, outdoor events and campfires.

2016-5-28 - Milwaukee - 2
2016-5-30 - Milwaukee - 1
2016-6-3 - Milwaukee - 1
2016-6-1 - Milwaukee - 2


Continue ReadingWeek 26

Week 25

This week madison is getting better with her sitting and while she has mastered rolling over from her back to her front she showed us that she can now roll over from her front to her back. You can watch the video here.

2016-5-25 - Milwaukee - 2
2016-5-21- Milwaukee - 4
2016-5-26 - Wauwatosa - 1
Continue ReadingWeek 25

Week 24

We are enjoying every moment with Madison.  This week we had a visit with Mame, a good friend of Suzy.  We enjoyed our breakfast and only had 1 spilled glass of milk, oh yeah Madison likes to grab at anything she can now.  Bath time is becoming a favorite time for Madison.  She really enjoys her Finding Nemo bath robe.

2016-5-15 - Milwaukee - 1
2016-5-20 - Milwaukee - 3
2016-5-15 - Brown Deer - 2
Continue ReadingWeek 24

Week 23

This week we celebrated Mother’s Day with Suzy.  We are so lucky to have Madison in our lives and Madison is lucky to have Suzy as a mother.  Suzy does a great job with Madison and the bond the two of them have is amazing.  We spent Mother’s Day with a walk in Wauwatosa at Hoyt Park. Madison is sharing her smile with us each day and we can’t help but kiss her cheeks. She is starting to sit up with a bit of independence, at times she looses her balance but is working on it more each day. We did have to go to the doctor for an unscheduled visit. It turns out that Madison had an ear infection. We are treating it with the doctors recommendations.

2016-5-8 - Wauwatosa - 4
2016-5-8 - Wauwatosa - 11
2016-5-8 - Milwaukee - 2
Continue ReadingWeek 23

Week 22

Wow it has been five months so far. Madison is really growing. We can’t believe all the changes that are happening. She enjoys playing on her back and we are working on tummy time although that is not her favorite activity. She is enjoying all the fun toys she has and continues to enjoy her play gym. We celbrated Mothers Day early with Grandma Peggy and went out to dinner. This week we meet up with some of Scott’s former co-workers from Waukesha. It was nice that they could finally meet Madison. Everyone enjoyed holding her and hearing about how exciting a time it is for us.

2016-5-6 - Waukesha - 4
2016-5-1 - Milwaukee - 1
2016-5-5 - Milwaukee - 3
Continue ReadingWeek 22

Week 20

This week we went for our first walk, we went for just a short walk around the block. Madison did a great job in her stroller. Our friends Kim, Brandon and Noah came over for a small party in the back yard. Madison enjoyed her time outside. We can tell she is getting ready for summer as we will be spending more time outside this summer. After the success from our first walk we went for a longer walk in downtown Wauwatosa. It was nice day and we walked to Hart Park then we had a nice lunch at Cafe Hollander. This week we added squash and carrots to our solid foods. She has enjoyed all of these so far although she does give us some faces to each new food she tries.

2016-4-17 - Wauwatosa - 1
2016-4-17 - Wauwatosa - 13
2016-4-16 - Milwaukee - 4
Continue ReadingWeek 20

Week 19

This week we celbrated Madison’s Baptism at our church, St. Therese Parish. It was a very special day and we were so happy to share this day with friends and family. Madison did a great job and was very calm during the entire service. After her Baptism we had a nice dinner at The Chancery in Wauwatosa. Madison started to eat solid foods this week, she enjoyed Sweet Potatoes for her first food. If you didn’t see earlier this week but Madison is starting to roll over, once she rolls over she is very startled and doesn’t know what to do on her stomach. Madison is starting to sit up (with support) although very briefly. She continues to work on tummy time and is getting better each day.

2016-4-9 - Milwaukee - St Therese Parish - Baptism - 2
2016-4-10 - Milwaukee - 11
2016-4-9 - Wauwatosa - 30
2016-4-10 - Milwaukee - 2
2016-4-9 - Milwaukee - St Therese Parish - Baptism - 32
2016-4-9 - Milwaukee - 7

Continue ReadingWeek 19

Week 18

Can you believe it has been 4 months? This week Madison had her “4 Month” checkup. Dr. Richer said she was doing great and meeting her milestones. Her weight is 15 LBS 14 oz and height is 24 1/2 IN long. It was opening day and Madison got into the action by supporting the Milwaukee Brewers at daycare. Madison is showing off her smile more each day. She is very excited to see mom and dad in the morning when we come to get her. Madison is working on Tummy Time, she is getting better at being on her stomach but she shows her displeasure very quickly.

2016-4-2 - Milwaukee - 11
2016-4-6 - Milwaukee - 7
2016-4-6 - Milwaukee - 3
2016-4-4 - Milwaukee - 2

Continue ReadingWeek 18

Week 17

This week we celebrated our first Easter as a family.  We enjoyed having family over.  A big thank you to our family for giving such nice Easter Baskets.  Madison will enjoy all the new little toys, books and outfits.  We are blessed to have so many who are so giving to our family.  This week while Scott and Madison were out to lunch they ran into a friend of Suzy’s, it was nice to see Alison and hear about her new baby at home, we even snapped a picture to send to Suzy at work. Madison is starting to drool more, enough that we have to wear a bib sometimes during the day.  We don’t know if that is a good thing, it could mean that she is starting to teeth.

2016-3-27 - Milwaukee - St Therese Parish - Easter - 24
2016-3-31 - Brookfield - 1
2016-3-29 - Milwaukee - 2
2016-3-27 - Milwaukee - Easter - 29
Continue ReadingWeek 17

Week 16

What an exciting week.  We started it with our first overnight trip to Merrill.  We saw so many friends and family during our trip.  On Saturday we had dinner at Los Mezcales in Merrill with Grandma Chris and Grandpa Dick.  If you are in Merrill you should give it a try.  On Sunday we spent the day with Cousin Drew at his 3rd Birthday.  Madison enjoyed seeing everyone.  Also on Sunday Madison meet Scott’s Godmother Mary Jo.  The trip was a success and we had our first glimpse into how we will now travel long distances.  While Scott was on leave Madison wen’t to visit Dad’s school this week for the spring party and helped put out colored eggs and prepare for the party at school.  Madison did a great job outside of her routine and was not very fussy at school.  The kids, parents and teachers enjoyed meeting Madison.  Madison can roll over to her stomach but is uncertain what to do next and is a bit started when she does it. She only can last about a minute before she needs help rolling back over.

2016-3-19 - Merrill - 6
2016-3-24 - Milwaukee - 5
2016-3-20 - Merrill - 45
2016-3-25 - Milwaukee - 3
Continue ReadingWeek 16